Saturday, September 14th/12 Noon-Eastern time/ Online

Can the Body Psychotherapies Integrate with Psychoanalysis?


Scott Baum, PhD, ABPP; Caron Harrang, LICSW, FIPA, BCPsa; Lynne Jacobs, PhD; David Levit, PhD, ABPP, SEP

with Moderators Doris Brothers, PhD and Jon Sletvold, PsyD



12 Noon – 2:00PM/Eastern Time

This series is presented in collaboration with The Wilhelm Reich Center for the Study of Embodiment.

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Until recently, there was little that the body psychotherapies and psychoanalysis had in common. In today’s changing world, efforts have been made to combine the best of both these disciplines. The members of this conversation panel offer different and exciting approaches to this subject.


Inspired by the pioneering work of Wilhelm Reich and encouraged by the recent surge of interest in embodiment among clinicians, co-Directors Drs. Doris Brothers and Jon Sletvold have founded the Center. With it, they are introducing an online forum for dialogues about the ways in which embodiment affects the theory and practice of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
A wide range of approaches to embodiment have emerged in the last two decades that have led them to believe that a “turn toward embodiment” is underway. In the interest of furthering this turn they are offering a format that differs from the usual at psychoanalytic meetings. Rather than featuring a paper presenting a specific theorist or clinician followed by discussions, they intend that each event will center around a specific topic. Speakers from around the world, each of whom employs a different perspective on embodiment, will be invited to participate in a roundtable conversation of the topic. Afterward, online participants will be encouraged to join the conversation.

Learn more about The Wilhelm Reich Center for the Study of Embodiment


Professionals $50

Candidates and Students $30



Scott Baum, PhD, ABPP, is a clinical psychologist and bioenergetic therapist practicing in New York City. Currently he is on the faculties of the New York, Israel, and Swiss bioenergetic societies, and is an Adjunct Full Professor of Psychology in the PsyD program at Pace University. Dr. Baum has been involved in Reichian and related psychotherapeutic approaches since the 1960’s and has written extensively from a somatopsychic perspective about psychotherapy and related subjects.


Caron Harrang, LICSW, FIPA, BCPsa, is a board certified psychoanalyst with a full time private practice in Seattle, Washington. She is an IPA training and supervising psychoanalyst with Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. Selected publications include Painting Poppies: on the relationship between concrete and metaphorical thinking in A. Frosch (Ed.), Absolute Truth and Unbearable Psychic Pain (2012), Psychic skin and narcissistic rage: Reflections on Almodóvar’s The Skin I Live In. in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (2012), From Reverie to Interpretation: Transforming Thought into the Action of Psychoanalysis, D. Blue & C. Harrang (Eds.) (2016), River to rapids: Speaking to the body in terms the body can understand, in C. Harrang, D. Tillotson, & N. Winters (Eds.), Body as Psychoanalytic Object: Clinical Applications from Winnicott to Bion and Beyond (2021), and Possibility Clouds Arising from a Close Reading of Civitarese and Berrini’s On Using Bion’s Concepts of Point, Line, and Linking in the Analysis of a 6- Year-Old Child (2022).


Lynne Jacobs, PhD, has long been interested in the relational dimension of psychotherapy, and in integrating humanistic theories with contemporary psychoanalytic theories. She is also interested in what it means to practice as a white therapist in culturally diverse environments. Both a gestalt therapist and a psychoanalyst, she is a co-founder of PGI and faculty analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (ICP) in Los Angeles. She teaches at ICP, and teaches gestalt therapists locally, nationally, and internationally. She has published two books (with Rich Hycner) as well as numerous articles in both gestalt and psychoanalytic journals.


David Levit, PhD, ABPP, SEP, is a Diplomate in Psychoanalysis and in Clinical Psychology.  He is a Fellow at the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis and a Fellow at the American Academy of Clinical Psychology. He is a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP).  His current faculty positions are Faculty and Supervising Psychoanalyst at the  Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis (MIP); co-founder, Chair, and faculty in the MIP Postgraduate Fellowship Program-West; and he is an instructor in psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.  He is former Associate Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at Tufts Medical School, and is former Adjunct Associate Professor at the Smith College School for Social Work.  He has written about the interweaving of Somatic Experiencing into psychoanalytic treatment, and has presented extensively on this subject regionally, nationally and internationally.  He is in private practice in Amherst, MA, where he provides individual psychotherapy and psychoanalysis for adults and consultation for colleagues.




Doris Brothers, PhD, is a co-founder and faculty member of the Training and Research in Intersubjective Self Psychology Foundation (TRISP). She was co-editor with Roger Frie of Psychoanalysis, Self and Context from 2015-2019 and is an associate editor of Psychoanalytic Inquiry. She serves on the council of the International Association of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP). Doris has published many journal articles and book chapters as well as four books. Her latest book, written with Jon Sletvold is entitled A New Vision of Psychoanalytic Theory, Practice and Supervision: TALKING BODIES. Her earlier books are: Toward a Psychology of Uncertainty: Trauma-Centered Psychoanalysis (2008), Falling Backwards: An Exploration of Trust and Self-Experience (1995), and with Richard Ulman, The Shattered Self: A Psychoanalytic Study of Trauma (1988). She has presented her work internationally and leads supervision/study groups with Jon Sletvold. She sees patients in private practice in New York and Oslo.



Jon Sletvold, PsyD,  is founding board director and faculty member of the  Norwegian Character Analytic Institute.He has written articles and book chapters on embodiment in psychoanalytic theory, practice, and training. He is the editor of four books and the author of The Embodied Analyst: From Freud and Reich to Relationality, which won the Gradiva Award in 2015.  In 2019 he wrote From Muscular Armor to Bodies in Dialogue with Per Harbitz. His latest book, written with Doris Brothers is A New Vision of Psychoanalytic Theory, Practice and Supervision: TALKING BODIES. Dr. Sletvold has presented his work internationally and co-leads online supervision/study groups on embodiment in Europe, North America and China with Doris Brothers. He practices in Oslo and New York.

William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis & Psychology 20 West 74th Street, New York, NY 10023 | (212) 873-0725