Training and Education

As a pacesetter in the field of psychoanalysis and its applications, the Institute offers a wide variety of professional development options for professionals.

Psychoanalytic Training

The Institute’s intensive four-to-six-year program provides rigorous training in the theoretical concepts and methods of the psychoanalytic treatment of adults from the Interpersonal Perspective. Candidates with mental health backgrounds and those in the Licensure-Qualifying Program take classes together. There is additional coursework for those in the LQP.

Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy Training (CAPTP)

This innovative and intensive three-year program presents a pluralistic approach to the psychodynamic understanding and treatment of children, adolescents, and their families. It is designed to provide comprehensive preparation for treating young people from infancy through late adolescence. The program’s Interpersonal perspective, with its emphasis on the familial and cultural contexts within which children develop, is enriched by ideas from the classical and relational schools.

Eating Disorders, Compulsions and Addictions (EDCAS)

Theory and clinical casework are used to explore disordered eating issues, body image, affect regulation, substance addiction, relationships, exercise and internet usage.

Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program (IPPP)

In IPPP, students will deepen their clinical work and practice applying new theoretical concepts to clinical situations. Through coursework, clinical case seminars, individual consultation and peer experience, clinicians will learn to approach their work from a psychodynamic sensibility.

Online Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program (Online IPPP)

Through coursework, clinical case seminars and a collegial peer experience, clinicians will learn to approach their work with an increasingly sophisticated psychodynamic sensibility.

Online Topic-Oriented Psychotherapy Program (Online TOPP)

A special topics course for advanced clinicians who wish to deepen their clinical work. Currently, the topic is “Luminaries of the Interpersonal Tradition”.

Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program for Ukrainian Speakers (IPPP-UKR)

We invite you to join the one-year online (over Zoom) interactive program with translation into Ukrainian.

The Couples Therapy Training and Education Program (CTTEP)

CTTEP emphasizes Interpersonal Psychoanalytic-Systemic Couples Therapy, while including additional psychoanalytic-systemic points of view.

What Really Works?: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents

The program is focused on expanding and deepening one’s experience of treating children and adolescents within an Interpersonal and Relational framework. Each month distinguished faculty members from William Alanson White Institute will present on a variety of contemporary clinical topics and case material. This program is designed to enhance participants’ clinical skills and intellectual understanding of psychodynamic psychotherapy of children and adolescents.

Child & Adolescent Externship

This training program offers a comprehensive externship of 20hrs/week. Externs gain clinical experience seeing 2-3 patients in individual psychotherapy from an Interpersonal perspective, and have substantial contact with parents and schools (when indicated). Externs do a minimum of three psychoeducational evaluations, and there is weekly individual and group supervision.

Clinical Education Meeting

Candidates present their psychoanalytic and/or psychotherapy cases during this 90-minute weekly Clinical Education Meeting. Attendees–who include faculty, graduates, candidates in analytic training, and students in our psychotherapy programs–are encouraged to question, explore, and deepen the clinical material. During some of the meetings, faculty and, at times, outside speakers, present scientific papers that typically integrate theory and technique.

Low Cost Psychotherapy Supervision Service

The Low Cost Psychotherapy Supervision Service offers a unique opportunity for New York State licensed mental health professionals in private practice to receive supervision from an experienced graduate of the William Alanson White Institute who works in the Interpersonal-Relational tradition.

Five-day Intensive Seminars

Duration: 5 days
Eligibility: Mental health professionals

Five-day intensive seminars are taught by senior faculty of the Institute. The seminars are designed to acquaint colleagues in the United States and abroad with the interpersonal approach to psychoanalysis. Each day includes a three-hour experience with a Master Clinician, as described in the curriculum.

21st Century Children and Adolescents: Clinical Approaches

William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis & Psychology 20 West 74th Street, New York, NY 10023 | (212) 873-0725